If you haven't already set your Chapter/Section breaks, when you insert your first equation number or a numbered equation, the Insert Equation Number dialog appears, which allows you to set the chapter/number breaks. The chapter number, section number, separator and enclosure are all optional, so you can create equation numbers such as (1.1), 1.1, or just 1 or a. This allows numbers such as (1.1.1),, , or even Equation 1.1. Equation numbers are made up of a chapter number, a section number, a separator, an equation number and an enclosure. The format of equation numbers in a document is defined using the Format Equation Numbers dialog. Similarly, an equation reference is actually a reference to an equation number, rather than a reference to the equation itself.
If you delete an equation its equation number (if any) is not automatically deleted. The equation numbers are quite separate from equations in a Word document. Equation references can also be placed in footnotes and endnotes. Both numbers and references are automatically updated whenever you add new equation numbers to the document. You can also insert references to these numbers. The equation numbering commands allow you to insert equation numbers in a Word document in a variety of formats. Functions in your list of Functions Recognized are also recognized in the MIP. The equation will be placed at the location of the insertion point. Write the equation in the MIP and when you're finished, click the Insert button. The Open Math Input Panel command (Windows 7 and later) brings up the Math Input Panel (MIP). This style is created separately for each document into which you insert a display equation. You can change the alignment of all the display equations in a document by modifying this style using the Style command on Word's Format menu. Its other formatting is based on the style in use at the time it's created. This style defines the center tab and the right tab positions. The Insert Right-Numbered Display Equation command inserts a right-justified equation number following the equation, while the Insert Left-Numbered Display Equation command inserts a left-aligned equation number before the equation.Ī Word style named MTDisplayEquation is added to the Word document the first time you use any of these three commands. They insert a new line if the insertion point isn't already on a new line, and then insert an equation centered between the left and right margins. The Insert Display Equation and Insert Left/Right-Numbered Display Equation commands are very similar. Equations have more overhead in the document, and for large documents the difference can be significant. While you can create inline equations consisting of a single symbol, we recommend you use Word's Insert Symbol command instead.
Command for bullet point word mac windows#
This command is not available in versions of Windows earlier than Windows 7. When you click the MIP Insert button, the equation will be placed at the insertion point. Windows only: (Windows 7 and later) Insert an equation by handwriting it in the Math Input Panel (MIP). Open Math Input Panel… Ctrl+ Shift+ M (Windows) The MTDisplayEquation style defines the location of the center tab stop.

Similar to Insert Display Equation, but also inserts a left-aligned equation number before the equation. Insert Left-Numbered Display Equation Ctrl+ Alt+ Shift+ Q (Windows), Ctrl+ Shift+ Q (Mac) The MTDisplayEquation style defines the location of the right margin tab stop. Similar to Insert Display Equation, but also inserts a right-aligned equation number following the equation.

Insert Right-Numbered Display Equation Alt+ Shift+ Q (Windows), ⌥+ Shift+ Q (Mac) This means that you can change the alignment of all of the display equations in a document by simply modifying this style. To simplify changing the formatting for all of the display equations in a document, a Word style called MTDisplayEquation is created that defines the position of the center tab stop. The display equation is inserted on a new line and centered between the left and right margins. Opens a new MathType window using equation preferences as described above under Insert Inline Equation. Insert Display Equation Alt+ Q (Windows), ⌥+ Q (Mac) The resulting equation is inserted inline, i.e., aligned with the surrounding text. Otherwise MathType's current preferences for new equations will be used. If you have defined equation preferences for new equations (using the Set Equation Preferences command), these settings will be used in the MathType window. Opens a new MathType window ready for you to enter an equation. Insert Inline Equation Ctrl+ Alt+ Q (Windows), Ctrl+ Q (Mac)